Ten fun Photography fact about me: (1.) My first serious photograph session was in Hong Kong 1982. (2.) I take my camera with me wherever I go (including paragliding & scuba diving). (3.) Biggles, (my Siamese cat) is seen frequently on cat calendars. (4.) I regularly enter & have won a number of Photograph competitions. (5.) I have visited (and photographed) the same amount of countries as my age. (6.) My favorite photographing memory was during a paragliding flight at 12,000 ft. in the Himalayas. (7.) I still have my first camera and I frequently shoot film. (8.) I photograph landscape in the summer, wildlife in the winter, adventure and people all year. (9.) I have broken too many camera's to mention, usually from slips, falls and drops. (10.) I was born in England where photography was introduced in 1839.

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